Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh hell

What happened that I almost get to write some news or observation. 
So maybe I can at least summarize yesterday evening in a few sentences. 
We came to the ninth round, we be two minions Zoltan, I will eventually but have not received in time your space suit from the cleaners. 
While we sat, sat next to us probably Emil Holub, or someone very like him, but otherwise no one, except about three women at the entrance of light. 
After a while, however, appeared sheik in pirate and was Oh, my gosh. I tell you, have your two takovéhle pirate on somewhere on Fiji, there is what is more resolved. 
If you are připozdilo, appeared at the door to strange trio. Long, a wide-eyed. If you interested, so long is called Bara and can play an absolutely luxurious football. It was just a stooge zoltanův by podlézal or, in the best case, payment of drink. 
And that's about all. So maybe the goat and wolf nažrala remain whole. Tomorrow tests song on Sunday.

Jestli vás zajímá, co to má bejt, tak tohle je výsledek překladu GooGle translate na článek Sakra sakra nebo-li Oh hell :D

wide-eyed (široký a bystrozraký) a but otherwise no one, except about three women at the entrance of light (ale jinak nikde nikdo, krom asi tří lehký žen u vchodu) mě rozbouralo natolik, že jsem se musel podělit :)

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